A vision board is a tool to keep you focused towards your goals. Vision boards do not necessarily magically bring things into your life (though they can). Generally speaking, however, a vision board works because what we focus on most is what we act on. What we focus on is what we tend to see. When your goals and desires are forefront of your mind you are more likely to see the opportunities to reach them that are right in front of you.
Here is an experiment from the brilliant Tony Robins.
Look around the room you are in right now and notice everything that is brown.
Now close your eyes and name everything in the room that is green.
The point is that we tend to see more of what we focus on and sift out everything else.
Opportunities are all around you when you learn to shift your focus.
A vision board is an automatic focus shifting tool to keep your desires front and center.
Create a vision board so that your deepest desires can become the focus of your attention on a daily basis.
A vision board can look a lot of different ways. Here is my formula for creating powerful visions and a vision board that will support you in living up to them.
I like to set up my vision board in sections according to the ancient east Asian Bagua, or energy map.
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Generally speaking we can break life down into eight domains.
Giving back/Contribution - S - Fame
Love/Romance - SW - Love and Marriage
Fun/Recreation - W - Creativity
Friends/Family - NW - Helpful People
Career/Work - N - Career
Inner life/Spirituality - NE - Spiritual Growth
Health/Fitness - E - Health
Wealth/Finances -SE - Money
How we set up our board and the areas we choose to focus on are not the important part. This is a simple guideline based on what has worked for me. Feel free to add, leave out, or modify any of these domains as appropriate for you.
The next step is to create a vision for each domain. I have written a separate post on vision creation but I will repeat the process here in relation to vision boarding.
Choose one domain to focus on at a time for this step of the process. You can use the same process for each of the eight domains listed above.
ONE - Ask the question WHAT DO I WANT. It may support you to write down your answers as they arise. Focus on one domain at a time. Allow yourself to really explore this question for each area.
TWO - Imagine it! Visualize your desire completely! Be sure to include scents, images, sounds, colors, movement, as well as feelings and sensations in your visualization.
Really take yourself into the experience of having what you want. Play it like a movie clip in your mind. Leave nothing out.
THREE - Check in with your body as you are experiencing your desire. How does it FEEL to have what you want. Be sure to identify the emotional feelings AS WELL AS the physical sensations in your body. This step is important for what we will do next.
FOUR - Choose images and words that match the feelings identified in the previous step. This is the most important step for vision board creation.
It is not enough to choose images that match the 'what' of your desire. The images need to match the FEELING of having your desire. What the image portrays is secondary. Be sure to notice the emotional response in your body. What physical sensations does your desire stir in you? What images stir those same physical sensations?
FIVE - A vision is about the way it makes you feel. The feelings created by any desire are what we actually crave. The outer manifestation of those feelings is always secondary. If you want a new car what you are really wanting is the feelings of pride and confidence associated with having it.
If you are having trouble landing on a really inspiring vision -
Repeat step TWO with a different visualization. Imagine the same desire manifesting in a different way. Go into this visualization just as deeply. Use the tools described in step THREE to experience it fully and feel the emotions of it.
Now notice what is consistent in both the first and second visualization. The images, sounds, smells, people, and places may be different. Notice the feelings that are the same in both cases. Notice the physical sensations that are consistent. These are the true vision. The common thread is the desire behind the desire. Use this to pick images for your vision board that FEEL like what you want.
Done is better than perfect.
It is more important for the images on your board to inspire how you want to feel than it is to have images that match what you think you want perfectly.
and finally - HAVE FUN WITH IT! This is your vision board. Make it a representation of your best life.
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