Anxiety is an all too present state for many of us today. An estimated 40 million adults in the United States suffer from some form of anxiety. With so many medications and treatments available it is a wonder the numbers continue to rise. 

Anxiety seems to be a "normal" part of the world we are living in. 

The truth is our society is ridden with fear, doubt, suffering, and mistrust. Many of us are told as children that our dreams are not possible. "I want to be an artist". "I want to be a ballerina".  "I want to be a rock star". And then we hear, "you can't do that". "It's not practical". "You have very little chance of succeeding, don't even bother". Sometimes the messages are subtle. Sometimes they are more direct. 

"Who do you think you are to think your dreams are possible". This is the message most of us received as children and carry with us to this day. 

Many of us do not know where our anxiety comes from.

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ANXIETY - a four step guide to freedom

ONE: Anxiety arises when your head and your heart are in conflict

When I first heard this it did not make sense to me. What are they fighting about? Which one is right? How do I know? 

Ill give you a hint. The heart is always right. Your heart is connected to everything. Your head believes you are separate and constantly under threat. Trust lives in your heart. Fear lives in your head. 

TWO: Anxiety and depression arise when we believe our own limiting beliefs

When I tap into my anxiety I find it is attached to a thought or thoughts I am holding onto about myself and other people. Usually these thoughts sound something like "You're not good enough" or "You're a burden" or "You are alone, no one cares". 

If these beliefs were true, OF COURSE I would have every reason to be depressed, to feel defeated, and to feel lonely and scared. ANXIETY is actually a great sign! Anxiety is my heart rebelling against the insidious dis-empowering false beliefs of my ego. It is a feeling of conflict and resistance in my whole body. My suffering stems from grasping and clinging to the dis-empowering, and ultimately false, notion I have come to believe is true about me. "I can't do it, I'm not good enough".

"Anxiety is my heart rebelling against the 
insidious dis-empowering false beliefs of my ego".

THREE: Anxiety releases when we choose to believe what our hearts know to be true

Anxiety is a sign that a greater truth awaits just below the surface. Anxiety is your heart screaming LISTEN TO ME! In your heart you know the truth of your existence. You are loved. You are worthy. Anything is possible for you when you believe in yourself. Anxiety and depression cease when you reconnect to the TRUTH within your heart. Anxiety fades when you stop taking yourself SO DAMN SERIOUSLY. 

So how do you release anxiety? 

Realize that whatever you are going through, wherever you are on your path, whatever you have done "good" or "bad", you are a much loved and treasured child of the universe and YOU CANNOT DO IT WRONG. In this world of infinite forms, infinite possibilities, and infinite emotions, everything is exactly as it is meant to be. To believe otherwise is pure madness. 

FOUR: We must become aware of the limiting belief we have bought into before we can become aware of the deeper truth hiding beneath 

Self awareness is a powerful and all too often underestimated skill. Insight into your own thoughts is literally the key to freedom in every way. When you are aware of your thinking you regain choice. Think about it. If you had a choice, would you choose suffering or freedom, love or hate, desperation or trust? How we think creates our feelings. How we feel creates our actions and reactions. Our actions and reactions create the circumstances of our lives. 
When we know our minds we can change them.

Become aware of your thoughts to regain power of your feelings, actions, and LIFE.

You may be thinking easier said than done.
You might know what i am going to say next...


Here is the basic premise:

Our minds love to judge, ruminate, compute, analyze, and worry. Most people experience this as a constant. Very few have yet discovered how to stop thinking. Those who have mastered this skill have incredible results!

It turns out when you are able to stop thinking the thoughts you do have are clearer, more productive, more inspired, and less aggressive towards yourself and others. 

Lets be honest. 
How often do you beat yourself up in your own mind? 
How often do you spend time literally just worrying. 
Does worrying actually accomplish anything but to torture yourself and sap your energy? 

Meditation is a practice of clearing the mind. It is how we train ourselves to be worry free. The amount of energy you can get back by simply not worrying is enormous. This is energy you can use to actually solve the problems you have been wasting time worrying about. 


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