Everyone is doing the best that they can.
If they could do better they would. 

When I first heard this concept I did not fully agree.
I thought, of course people could do better, I could do better.

In the arena of self development there is an incredible buzz around the concept,
everything is a choice.

Taking personal responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, and responses to the
circumstances of life is the first step to personal freedom and transformation.

As long as your thoughts feelings and actions are dictated by the people places
and things outside of yourself, you have no power and no choice in the direction
and quality of your life.

This is an incredibly empowering way of thinking. If it's meant to be, It's up to me!

I used to think that people who judged, shamed, insulted, and abused me were
simply not taking responsibility for themselves. I thought "they can do better",
and this thought caused me to be confused by the negative actions of others.
"Why would they choose that?" "How could they do that?"

I was coming from the assumption that these people had choice in their thoughts,
feelings, and actions.

I was projecting my own expectations of personal responsibility onto them. 

Ask yourself this... If you truly had a choice in any moment would you choose anger,
resentment, judgment, blame, or fear?
Or would you choose love, acceptance, compassion, and understanding?

If you are like me you would choose love. Why? Because it feels a lot better than hate
and it creates far more favorable outcomes for myself and everyone involved.

So why then, if I do have choice, do I still get angry, feel sad, feel hurt, resentful, 
jealous or spiteful? 

Can't I do better? 
I want to believe I can.

The truth is we all have modes or patterns of thought, emotion, and reaction put in
place early in life that continue to run our lives until we become aware enough to change them.

Awareness is the key. 

Until you are aware of the thoughts and interpretations you are having that create
feelings of anger, resentment, etc. you have no choice!

Only when you are aware of your thoughts can you choose to change them.

This doesn't just apply to you. It applies to everyone. No one chooses to be unconscious. 

Everyone is doing the best that they can. If they could do better they would.

This is compassion.

Compassion is knowing that of course, if they had a choice, they would choose love.
We all would. 

It is only in the mind that love is not an option, but you must first SEE your mind to change your mind. 


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